I am the color red,
I saw you today when you were thinking about your favorite wine, looking at me as a plastic cup in a cafe.I know how you fall in love with me every time I look at you. You live a little more looking at me.
I saw you yet again on the traffic lights with fiery eyes full of warning. I met you minutes later with your long due touch up the “rosy Sunday” shade of your lipstick, I was amazed to see how confident you feel even with the dark side of mine.
I was in the flare of your gypsy skirt giving you the Scarlett glow on your face while you were thinking “the hem of my skirt has got nothing to do with how beautiful I feel”
You were tasting me in the ginger fizz and I know you understand, though I am a hot color … I will comfort you in summer noons.
I was standing out the in the painting you saw and I know you were mesmerized with how my shades can be so intimidating to you.
I am scarlet… I am crimson… I am blood… I am life….I am love…I am anger…..I am noise, I am pride. I stand out among the lesser known ones in the canvas of your life.
I am red. From your wine to vermilion, you love me in all my hues.
From roses to the brick wall, my every shade says a story to you.