When a woman starts penning the exact thoughts going in your mind, she has to be either Carrie Bradshaw or Preeti Shenoy.
Why we love the way we do
By Preeti Shenoy
Publisher-Westland Ltd
259 pages
Category (Non Fiction)
I was at the Delhi railway station, wanting to get a book by Ravinder Singh with a pure intention to judge his writing skills as I am not a big fan of the author but the guy at the bookshop tossed this book and said-“you will like this one madam”
Maybe he thought to himself ‘here comes another feminist, with a long kurta, dangling earrings and kohl eyes covered behind glasses, looking for a book that talks about women’ I quickly looked at the cover read the reviews on the backside and said ok fine, I will buy this along with Savi Sharma’s new book.
I chose to read this as my bedtime reading book but the book turned out to be exceptionally interesting and gripping that I had to finish it in one go.
What is Interesting about the book– The book is a collection of essays by the author on everything that comes under the umbrella of love. What makes it interesting is how Preeti weaves it into the fabric of scientific analogies, philosophy, her experiences and her friend’s experiences. All that just makes it very believable and convinces the reader about the immense possibilities of love and relationships, she covers everything from falling in love to falling out of love. From the first crush to heartbreaks to live in relationships to marriage and of course sex too. Read it know what is a woman’s perspective about infidelity, nagging, space in a relationship and what not.
What to expect– A lot of underlining of the words. A lot of life changing sentences that you can quote for the rest of your life. The first few segments and the last couple of segments have all been underlined and highlighted by me like a textbook. Preeti has used examples from paintings, music, books, opera to define how different people look differently at the same thing and there is no set criteria for it being correct. It is not necessary to agree with the author but she has a very interesting perspective on everything. Preeti has just the right combination of sarcasm and humor in her writing. The book leaves an impact on your mind in a very subtle yet significant way. The book is divided into seven segments and each segment had 2-3 page essays on different sub-topics. One can pick any chapter from the book, does not require to be read in continuity.
What is disappointing– Nothing except Preeti’s shift from a free woman to a relationship counselor in some parts of the book. In one segment she writes brilliantly about women being called names for choosing to be in a casual relationship, men being called studs or Romeos for the same. In another segment, she somehow makes the idea of outgrowing love, unnatural and slightly immoral. Keeping that minor glitch of the flow aside, she resonates with a lot of the nouveau woman of the society, the women who are free souls and not in need of a man to make them feel complete.
What I liked the most- I read some bits of the books to my spouse and his reaction was “you have found an author who writes just how you think” some of the best analogies of the book are
‘men are like watches and women are like keys’ when lost they are both found in different places.
Sex is like tea, the mood can change once its ready.
Men are like grapes, they have to be stomped, till they turn into something acceptable to have dinner with.
So now that you have an idea that this book will not disappoint you, get your copy.
Recommended to – open-minded women and men, a great read for travels, great idea for gifting a friend who is in love or out of it!